RETS Cheat Sheet
IDX – Internet Data eXchange
FTP – File Transfer Protocol – a method to export data for IDX
RETS – Real Estate Transaction Standard – a type of IDX export
Table – a distinct organized collection of data, i.e. Residential Listings, Agents, and Offices
Field – a particular data entry, ie status, list office
Filter – a type of limit or restriction that can be placed on a particular table
Profile – a specific set of filters that can be assigned to agent records
Some Common RETS Filters
(L_StatusCatID=X) Status Category must be X
(L_ListAgent=X) List Agent must be X
(L_ListOffice=X) List Office must be X
~(L_Status=X_Y) Status must NOT be X_Y
(L_ListOffice = X,Y,Z) List Office must be either X, Y, or Z
(L_StatusCatID=X),(L_ListOffice=Y) Status Category must be X and List Office must be Y
(L_ListOffice=X),~(L_Status=Y_Z) List Office must be X, but not Status Y_Z
Things to remember about filters
The expression must be enclosed in ()
Commas(,) always mean and
Tilde (~) always means not and should be outside the ()
Your SSM is always here to help you if you run into problems or have any questions about RETS!!